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Gilberto Martins’ 50th Birthday Lunch March 2022

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João Serrão Visita a Africa do Sul  – 1971

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—  —-   649 Mb when viewed at Full HD (1080p)

João Pereira Serrão

Born / Nasceu – July / Julho de 1929
Died / Faleceu – August / Agosto de 1985


João Serrão era o 2º filho de Filipe Pereira Serrão e a Amélia de Sousa Serrão.

Aos 13 anos, ele e um amigo foram presos por terem caçado coelhos numa floresta próximo de casa, e
este episódio o chocou tanto que passou a sofrer ataques de ansiedade.

Foi enviado para a família da mãe no Funchal para o ajudar a superar os seus episódios de ansiedade.

Os médicos temiam que ele sofresse graves recaídas caso fosse forçado a entrar para o exército e por isso, seus pais pediram a familia de Amélia Serrão na Venzuela para arranjar emprego e lhe-ajudár a emigrar.

Saiu da Ponta do Pargo, Madeira com 18 ou 19 anos para evadir o serviço militar obrigatório em vigor na altura.

O seu irmão mais velho, Manuel Serrão já tenha partido para a África do Sul e como ele não pôde se juntar ao irmão porque o governo do Apartheid preferia imigrantes da Europa Ocidental menos os de Portugal e da Espanha, ele optou por imigrar para a Venezuela.

Casou-se com uma Venezuelana decendente de os Ameríndio e tiveram 5 filhos, sendo 3 rapazes e duas raparigas e eles se estabeleceram-se nos arredores de Caracas. Ele tem filhos chamado Juan e Agostinho com o noume do Irnam mais novo e uma filha chamada Amelia em homenagem a sua mãe.

Durante o verão de 1971, Manuel Serrão convidou seu irmão a Witbank para visitar seus pais e irmãos, todos os quais já haviam se estabelecido em Witbank.

Especulou-se naquele tempo que a sua esposa provavelmente não teria recebido um visto para entrar na África do Sul se ela tivesse tentado acompanhar o marido.

Foi uma visita curta de 7 ou 10 dias, pois ele sentia uma grande responsabilidade a sua esposa e filhos que ainda eram pequenos.

Foi recolhido ao Aeroporto de Jan Smuts pelo o senhor Gouveia (Grande) de Boksburg que o trouxe para Witbank e à chegada ao Polana Fish & Chips, o senhor Gouveia esperou do lado de fora e instruiu João a entrar na loja para surpreender Amélia de Faria, a sua irmã mais nova que atendia clientes.

Amélia foi tomada de alegria ao vê-lo, reconhecendo-o instantaneamente, embora que ela tivesse apenas 11 ou 12 anos quando ele partiu para a Venezuela.

Durante a sua curta estadia, na casa do senhor Gouveia o João brincou que era imune aos efeitos da eletricidade no seu país e passou a se eletrocutar.

Felizmente, seu irmão Manuel, instantaneamente puxou os cabos elétricos para longe dele, poupando-o de um destino terrível.

Embora alguns de seus irmãos o tenham visitado na Venezuela antes e depois de sua visita à Africa do Sul, ele nunca mais viu os seus pais.

Ele sucumbiu ao enfisema em Agosto de 1985 e sua esposa faleceu em um desastre de carro em meados dos anos 2000.

O último contacto com os seus filhos foi em Dezembro de 2008 quando o João e Fátima Castanho os visitaram.

Somos informados de que a revolta na Venezuela fez com que eles se dispersassem e todo o contato foi perdido.

João Pereira Serrão

Born / Nasceu – July / Julho de 1929
Died / Faleceu – August / Agosto de 1985

João Serrão was the 2nd son of Filipe Pereira Serrão and Amélia de Sousa Serrão.

At the age of 13 he and a friend were arrested for hunting rabits in a nearby forest and this episode shocked him such that he suffered from anxiety attacks thereafter. He was sent to his mother’s family in Funchal in order to help him overcome his episodes of anxiety.

Doctors were concerned that he would suffer severe relapses should he be forced into the army and as a result of this his parents made arrangements with Amélia Serrão’s family in Venzuela to secure employment for him and to help him emigrate.

He left Ponta do Pargo, Madeira at the age of 18 or 19 in order to evade compulsory military service in force at the time.

It is believed that his older brother, Manuel Serrão had already departed for South Africa but as the Apartheid government preferred Western European migrants from countries other than Spain and PortugalI, he was unable to join his brother.

He married a Venezuelan of Amerindian decent and they had 5 children, being 3 boys and two girls and they settled on the outskirts of Caracas. He has sons called Juan and Agostinho, named after his younger brother and a daughter called Amelia after his mother.

In the summer of 1971, Manuel Serrão invited his brother to Witbank to visit his parents and to see his siblings, all of whom had, by now settled in Witbank.

It was speculated at the time that his wife would probably not have been granted a visa to enter South Africa had she tried to accompany her husband.

His was a short visit of 7 or 10 days as he felt a pressing responsibility towards his wife and children who were little at the time.

He was collected from Jan Smuts Airport by senhor Gouveia (Grande) of Boksburg who brought him to Witbank and upon arrival at Polana Fish & Chips, senhor Gouveia waited outside and instructed João to enter the store in order to surprise Amélia de Faria,
his youngest sister who was serving customers at the time. Amelia was overcome with joy upon seeing him, recognising him instantly even though she had only been 11 or 12 years old when he departed for Venezuela.

During his short stay, while at senhor Gouveia’s “house he joked that he was immune to the effects of electricity in his home country and proceeded to electrocute himself. His quick thinking brother Manuel instantly jerked the live electrical cables away from him thus sparing him a gruesome fate.

Although some of his siblings visited him in Venezuela before and after his visit, he never saw his parents again.

He succumbed to emphysema in August of 1985 and his wife perished in car accident in the mid 2000’s.

The last contact with his children was in December of 2008 when João and Fatima Castanho visited them.

We are told that the upheaval in Venezuela caused them to disperse and all contact has since been lost.

Family & Trips to Cape Town – 1960’s and 70’s

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

—  —-   1.46 Gb when viewed at Full HD (1080p)

Casamento de Martinho e Egidia de Aguiar – 1968

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Family & Friends swimming at Manue Serrão’s House (Circa 1968)

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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1970’s Family & Friends Circa Late 70’s

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Family Get Together Circa 1967

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Casamento de Eduardo Ribeiro & Fatima das Neves 1973

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Chegada da Maria & Alexandre a Africa do Sul

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries. Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Casamento de José de Faria e Amelia Serrão

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries. Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Casamento de Agostinho Serrão e Enes Soalheiro

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries. Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Casamento de Antonio de Abreu & Maria Achadinha

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Casamento de João Pereira & Conçeicão Serrão

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the hyperlink below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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Sandra Serrão Visit to South Africa 2011

This video is published to as an “unlisted video”. It therefore cannot be found through search but the link can be shared. To view the video on, simply copy and paste the link below into the address bar of your preferred browser. You should not have to log in to view the video. Note that due to music copyright, some of these videos may be blocked in certain countries.  Click on the link below if you would like to view this video on Youtube.

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David & Raychel De Ponte SA Lunch Spring 2019

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144p 256×144 80-100 Kbps 0.5-1.5 MB 30-90 MB
240p 426×240 300-700 Kbps 3-4.5 MB 180-250 MB
360p 640×360 400-1,000 Kbps 5-7.5 MB 300-450 MB
480p 854×480 500-2,000 Kbps 8-11 MB 480-660 MB
720p (HD) 1280×720 1.5-6.0 Mbps 20-45 MB 1.2-2.7 GB
1080p (FHD) 1920×1080 3.0-9.0 Mbps 50-68 MB 2.5-4.1 GB

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